Cloud Services Buying Guide from the Experts


5 Things Every Webmaster Should Be Doing

Published on 7/20/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
As a webmaster you're in charge of writing and updating content for your website and promoting it. Think your responsibilities stop there? Wrong! Here are five chores that every webmaster should be doing on a regular basis. ... → Read More

3 Reasons Why Most Webmasters Fail

Published on 7/19/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
With thousands of websites popping online daily, webmasters from all over the world are trying to capture Internet fame and fortune. A few will make it. Most will fail. What's the difference between those who score big and the others who never live out their dreams online? Here are the top three reasons why most webmasters and websites fail and how you can be a success. ... → Read More

Are You Driving Your Customers Away

Published on 7/16/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Long gone are the days of slow mail orders and catalog shopping. Today Internet users can buy books from Belize, tea from Taiwan and beans from Boston--and do it all in their pajamas from the comfort of their living room. The Internet has forever changed the way we shop and where we spend our money. ... → Read More

Ten Ways to Prevent Blogging Burnout

Published on 7/15/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
You love your blog and you're passionate about your chosen topic. Even so, you find yourself frequently dreading having to sit down and type out yet another post. What happened? Welcome to blogging burnout--that gray area of blogging life that nobody ever talks about. ... → Read More

How to Be a Good Web Hosting Customer

Published on 7/14/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

We talk often about how to find the perfect web host, but very little about what responsibilities, if any, you have as a client. Come along as we explore what it takes to be a good web hosting customer.

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How to Make Your Business Website More Professional

Published on 7/13/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Your business website is a representation of your company. No matter how small or large your operation is, if your website is unprofessional, it's costing you sales. Learn how to tailor your business to customers and create a website that will give you and your business more confidence and credibility. ... → Read More

5 Things to do Before Launching Your Website

Published on 7/12/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
The day you publish your content to the Internet for the very first time is called a website launch. Some launches begin without anyone but the webmaster aware of the change and others are anticipated for months in advance. Want a site that sells and gets noticed? Here are five things you must do before launching your website to guaranty success. ... → Read More

10 Tools for Choosing the Perfect Domain Name

Published on 7/9/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Choosing a domain name is one of the biggest and most time consuming projects you’ll have as a webmaster. The right domain name can mean the difference between skyrocketing to Internet fame and having a website that doesn’t perform well. Keep these steps in mind when considering your choices and check out ten free tools that will make the process of picking the perfect domain name easier. ... → Read More

Monitor Your Website's Popularity

Published on 7/8/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
10 Free Tools: Keeping tabs on how your website is being perceived by others is one of the easiest ways to figure out what’s working for you and what needs improving. How well is your domain name ranking? Here are ten free tools to monitor your website’s popularity. ... → Read More

Free Web Hosting vs. Paid Hosting

Published on 7/7/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
You’ve finally decided to put a website online. Congratulations! Should you go with a free web hosting company or pay someone to host your website? Let’s take a look at your options. ... → Read More

Take Your Business Blog to the Next Level

Published on 7/6/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
We’ve talked before about why you need a business blog and just how that can power new business to your company. Now, let’s talk about how to take that blog to the next level. Read other blogs: Don’t spend all your time plunking out new blog posts. Invest some of your week into reading other blogs both in and out of your niche. Keeping tabs on what’s going on outside of your domain is the best way to stay on top of trend spotting—those major swings in new interests online. If you blog about Software A, but have failed to read that Software B has been released, you’re old news. ... → Read More

Seven Free Google Analytics Alternatives

Published on 7/5/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Google Analytics is an awesome method of tracking visitors who find your web page. Google Analytics not only shows you how many people are reading your website each day, but it also tells you where they came from and how they found you. Having this information at-hand gives you the power to make adjustments in the way you advertise, use keywords and promote your brand. As great as Analytics is, it isn’t perfect. Current limitations include ... → Read More

Find a Web Host in Three Steps

Published on 7/2/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Finding a new web host who offers the services and features you need at a price you can afford can be challenging. With so many web hosts saturating the market, where do you begin? Here’s our guide to finding a web host in three easy steps.

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Why You Need a Business Blog

Published on 7/1/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Blogs have come a long way since their introduction in the 1990s. The earliest recorded blogs were personal in nature, almost diary-like. Today, there are millions of blogs online, many owned by small businesses and corporations who have seized the power of the Internet and grown their businesses to new heights with nothing but the power of words. If your company doesn’t have a blog, you could be losing business to your competitor. ... → Read More

10 Must Have Wordpress Plugins

Published on 6/30/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
One of the things that make Wordpress so functional and highly customizable is the vast amount of free plugins available to users. With a few quick clicks of the mouse, Wordpress administrators can secure their blog, add a shopping cart, start a photo gallery or install a spam filter. With thousands and thousands of plugins to choose from, how do you know which you need and which you can safely ignore? Here’s our guide to the most important Wordpress plugins. ... → Read More
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