Cloud Services Buying Guide from the Experts


Focus on Finding a Web Host First

Published on 8/10/2010 11:05:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
You hear a lot online about how to choose a bankable domain name and how to create quality content. While those things are crucial to building an Internet website presence, they're not the most important. If you don't have a reliable web host, the building blocks of success you've worked so hard to put into place are going to come crashing down. ... → Read More

4 Things You Can't Afford to Tolerate from a Web Host

Published on 8/9/2010 11:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
When it works the way it should, web hosting works like a dream. With a good web host, you're able to forget about the technical end of hosting and concentrate on making money with your website. It doesn't always work that way though. Here are four things you cannot afford to tolerate from a web host. ... → Read More

20 Ways to Make More Sales Online

Published on 8/6/2010 11:50:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
How are your website sales? Even in today’s difficult economy, consumers are still shopping and looking for ways to simplify their lives. Are you cashing in? Here are twenty ways you can make more sales. ... → Read More

Web Hosting on a Budget

Published on 8/5/2010 11:41:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Is it possible to put up a website without breaking the bank or worrying about a second mortgage? Yes! No matter what your financial situation, you can get yourself online and start making money with a website today. Here's our guide to web hosting on a budget. ... → Read More

What Kind of Blogger Will You Be

Published on 8/4/2010 1:33:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
So, you're thinking of joining the millions of others online in the blogging world. Awesome! If you already know what you'll be writing about, now is the time to decide what sort of blogger you intend to become. Will you be informative, entertaining or document your daily life online for all to see? Here's a sampling of the different styles of blogging you can choose from. ... → Read More

Improve Your Website in Just Five Minutes

Published on 8/3/2010 10:28:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Being a webmaster and running your own website is a big job. Unless managing your domain is your fulltime job, there are some days when you won't have the time to make major changes to design or freshen up content. Even so, you can still do little things that will have a big impact on how to the world sees your website. Each of these tasks takes less than five minutes to complete. ... → Read More

4 Ways Your Blog Can Stay Relevant

Published on 8/2/2010 3:23:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
With more than 126 million blogs online, how do you make yourself heard? Can you really get your small voice out to the world and keep readers coming back week after week? Yes! Here are four ways to make sure your blog stays relevant. ... → Read More

5 Really Good Reasons to Use a Web Hosting Control Panel

Published on 7/30/2010 7:28:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
When web hosting was first offered to people like you and me, there was no such thing as hosting control panels. Users uploaded and updated their websites the old fashioned way-- using an FTP program that connected directly to the server. When you wanted something a little more complicated done, you had to contact your web host and wait until he had time to take care of it for you. ... → Read More

5 Reasons Why Your Family Should Have a Website

Published on 7/30/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Websites are no longer only owned by high profile businesses, professional bloggers and those who consider themselves to be technically savvy. Thanks to a wide variety of easy to use control panels employed by web hosting companies, today's websites are owned by grandparents, new fathers, stay-at-home moms and students--all eager to make connections. ... → Read More

What to Do if Your Website is Hacked

Published on 7/29/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Computer hackers have been around since the invention of computers. Early hackers used their skills to steal credit card information or right what they considered to be social wrongs. Today's computer hackers are still up to their old tricks, but they now also inject malicious code into websites or deface them altogether. ... → Read More

How Not to Have a Successful Blog

Published on 7/28/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
We live in an age where anyone, anywhere can start a blog. Look around the Internet and you'll see people blogging about everything from apples and aprons to zebras and zippers. Some blogs will go viral and capture the hearts and attention of readers worldwide and others will simply fade away. ... → Read More

Top 10 Myths about Web Hosting Busted

Published on 7/26/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
There are a lot of misconceptions about web hosting floating around online. Let's take a few minutes and bust the top ten myths. ... → Read More

Free Software for Webmasters

Published on 7/23/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Designing a new website or updating an existing one takes a wide variety of tools. Today, most web hosts give clients access to a control panel that allows for the quick installation of forum and blog software, the ability to backup and restore websites, and a handful of simple design tools. Even if you used a website builder to create your site, you may want to make a few adjustments that can’t be done with point and click automated website builders. Check out our list of free software for webmasters! ... → Read More

Get Content Ideas for Your Business Blog

Published on 7/22/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
The most successful companies doing business online today are running equally successful business blogs. If you have passion for your business ideas and can easily convey your thoughts in a way that touches readers or provides useful life information, your unknown business can skyrocket to fame with a well written business blog. ... → Read More

How to Move to a New Web Host

Published on 7/21/2010 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Even if you're content with your current web hosting company, there may come a time when you'll need to relocate to a new company, and you'll want to take your website with you. The most common reasons for changing web hosts are: ... → Read More
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