Cloud Services Buying Guide from the Experts


How to Stay on Google's 'Good' List

Published on 7/17/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
If you are planning to enter the arena of online marketing, there is one entity you definitely will have to please – Google. Yes, we all are very aware of Google’s fortunate monopoly over the search engine market, and it is imperative that we act channel our online promotion activities in a way that pleases not only our target market but Google too. Wondering what steps you will have to take in order to do so? Here are four essential things you should take care of to enjoy search engine optimization. ... → Read More

GlowHost Giving Away Free Web Hosting to Non-Profits

Published on 7/16/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Non-profit organizations and charities typically face hardship during their first few years. Though non-for-profits may make made a big splash locally, such groups have a difficult time making the leap into fundraising on a larger scale, and mostly due to lack of funds. Things like setting up a website to generate national attention can fall by the wayside when resources aren't available.

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How To Get Your Web Hosting Trouble Tickets Answered in One Email

Published on 7/10/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Web hosting trouble ticket systems allow hosting companies and clients to exchange information in a secure environment. They can also be extremely frustrating for both the web host and the customer. Trouble tickets are easy enough to file, but unless you’re doing it right, you’re probably waiting longer than necessary for a resolution. Want to get your web hosting trouble tickets answered in one email? These tips will greatly increase your odds.

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Retweet This and Get a Domain Name for Under a Buck With Namecheap

Published on 7/10/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Just when you thought domain name prices had dropped to an all-time low, yet another registrar has announced a new promotion that could get you a domain name for under a buck. Read on to find out how to participate. ... → Read More

Register a Domain Cheaply With These Domain Name Specials

Published on 7/6/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
When was the last time you went in search of a coupon code for domain names or even a domain name sale? We often think of domains as being a set price item when, in fact, domains can be purchased at a discount year round from registrars and web hosting companies. If you’re in the market for a new domain to call your own, check out the sales and specials going on this week around the web. ... → Read More

eBay Will Soon Run On Alternative Energy

Published on 6/25/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
eBay has set itself up to become the first major tech company to employ alternative power as a primary energy source. In a press release dated June 21, 2012, ebay detailed their plans to build a flagship data center in Utah that will draw power from alternative energy fuel cells and not the national power grid, a system that is heavily dependent on coal plants. ... → Read More

New Domain Names Are Coming in 2013

Published on 6/15/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

There are currently 22 "top level" domain names (TLDs) on the Internet, the most common of which are still .com and .net.  The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the corporation in charge of the web's naming system, will soon be increasing the number of TLDs to 1,000.

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3 Really Good Reasons to Follow Your Web Host's Blog

Published on 6/7/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

How many blogs do you read each day? If you’re like me, you consume a steady diet of blog reading throughout the week, some of those writings pertaining to your work life and some to your home life. One blog you should be reading is that of your web host. If you’re not already tuning in to what your web hosting company has to say, here are three really good reasons you should start.

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cPanel Releases Update to Address Security Concerns

Published on 6/4/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Running outdated software on your home computer can leave you exposed to all kinds of trouble, especially when that machine is connected to the Internet. The same is true for web hosting servers., the developers of the popular cPanel web hosting control panel, released new builds for all public update tiers yesterday. ... → Read More

All Domain Names Are Not Created Equally - Infographic

Published on 5/29/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

What’s in a name? Anyone who has had children can tell you how many hours they spent poring over baby names and possible associated nicknames to narrow down just the right name for their child. Businesses hire firms that specialize in coming up with monikers that can be monetized and give their new company a lasting identity. The same is true for domain names. The domain name you choose to represent your website, project or business online really can make a difference.

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Would You Go With a No Support Web Hosting Company?

Published on 5/16/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

One of the things we talk a lot about here at ReviewsGurus is web hosting support. That’s because all webmasters need an on-the-ball hosting company that takes your support questions seriously and will be happy to help you and your website get ahead. Recently, a handful of hosts like No Support Linux Hosting and Fru Hosting have pushed their way into the hosting world by offering bargain basement prices as low as $1 per month. There is a catch though; neither company offers any form of support to paying customers. Here are the ins and outs of what you will get (and won’t get) when you go with a no support web host.

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5 Reasons Why You Won't Succeed Online Without a Great Web Host

Published on 4/30/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
No matter how much time you’ve invested in your website, it is simply impossible to succeed without a great web hosting company to back you up.  You can be an expert in SEO, the best writer on the planet and offer the most inexpensive product the Internet has ever seen, but if you don’t have solid footing, it will all come crashing down.  Don’t believe me?  Here are five reasons why you won’t succeed online without a really good web hosting company. ... → Read More

What to Do With Websites You No Longer Want

Published on 3/29/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
If you’re like most people, you have more than one domain name and website that you no longer have any interest in continuing to develop. Perhaps you wanted to become a reseller web hosting company at one time, bought the domain name, designed a website, but have found yourself with little time or interest to pursue that dream. What do you do with a domain name and website that’s just sitting around gathering Internet dust? ... → Read More

The Most Important Things to Remember When Choosing a Reseller Hosting Company

Published on 3/7/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

A reseller hosting business is simple to start. As a reseller you’ll be purchasing web hosting space and bandwidth from an existing hosting company and then reselling that space and bandwidth at a profit. In order to start a successful reseller hosting business you’ll need these four things: 1- A domain name. 2- A web hosting company to host your business. 3- A few dollars a month to pay for your hosting account. 4-Lots of free time to dedicate to your customers.

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9 Rules to Host By

Published on 2/28/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
We’ve spoken extensively about how to find a reliable web hosting company and what you should expect as a hosting client, but we talk very little about your responsibilities. Even though your web host is in charge of providing you with bulletproof web hosting and top notch service, you also have responsibilities as a client. Here are nine web hosting rules every webmaster should live by. ... → Read More
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