Cloud Services Buying Guide from the Experts


Corrupt Router Tables Take Down GoDaddy

Published on 9/11/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Popular domain registrar and web host GoDaddy suffered a serious outage Monday, taking millions of GoDaddy hosted websites and domains offline for several hours. Shortly after services went dead, Twitter user @AnonymousOwn3r claimed responsibility for the trouble. Today, GoDaddy issued a statement, claiming its recent problems were not hacker-related. ... → Read More

Track Website Rankings and Stats Easier With Moniitor

Published on 9/4/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Any webmaster intent on improving his search engine optimization (SEO) and website rankings knows that website monitoring tools are a must. Getting up-to-the-minute stats from FeedBurner, Google Analytics, Compete and other places helps webmasters see their exact reach online and where trouble areas lay. The trouble is that running from FeedBurner to Compete to Quantcast takes time—valuable time that you could be investing in improving your website instead of tracking stats across the Internet from multiple locations. Enter in Moniitor.

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5 Tips to Frugal Web Hosting

Published on 9/4/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Today’s consumers are better informed than any other generation in history. Thanks to the internet and smartphone technologies, the buyers of today are able to shop smarter because they have budgeting tools, comparison shopping apps and digital coupons available 24/7. Though there are no dedicated apps to comparison shop for a new web hosting company (yet), there are steps you can take to make sure you never overspend for hosting again.

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Small Business Guide to Email [Infographic]

Published on 8/31/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Did you know the first email was sent in 1971? Were you aware that your email web hosting server could be blacklisted, making it impossible for those with adequate spam protection to read anything from you?

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Hosting Company Blacknight Solutions Begins Construction of Green Data Center

Published on 8/30/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

It takes a lot of energy to power your website and domain name. According to, data centers account for 1.5% of the electricity used in the United States. That may not sound like much, but as Pingdom pointed out in 2008, it all adds up. Just one US data center, according to their research, consumes as much energy as five million homes. That’s a whole lot of power!

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The Evolution of Web Hosting [Infographic]

Published on 8/28/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
It was a mere 17 years ago that most of us took to the web to create our very first websites with GeoCities. Free hosting ruled the internet in those days, and websites were gaudy, littered with pop-up ads and largely text-based. My, how web hosting has changed! Peer1 Hosting has compiled an infographic that lays out the evolution of web hosting in picture-form. Check it out! ... → Read More

How To Drive Pinterest Traffic to Your Website

Published on 8/23/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Pinterest is a virtual billboard-styled social media website where users can create and manage theme-based image collections. But you knew that, right? After all, Pinterest is currently one of the most popular websites online. Aside from collecting gift ideas for your sister’s wedding or gathering bathroom remodeling ideas, Pinterest can also help drive huge traffic numbers to your website. Here’s how. ... → Read More

GoDaddy Announces Reseller Hosting Packages

Published on 8/23/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

GoDaddy, domain registrar giant and web hosting company, announced this week that they’ve begun to sell reseller web hosting packaging. Typically, reseller plans are geared toward those who need to manage multiple websites or wish to start their own web hosting company. Scott Brown, GoDaddy Vice President of Hosting, said the news plans are super simple to sign up for and use.

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7 Ways You Can Immediately Boost Sales on Your Ecommerce Website

Published on 8/15/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Starting an online business is so easy these days that one only need a little time, a product to sell and a reliable ecommerce hosting company. Making a profit in your new venture, however, is another matter. With so many startups out there, how do you stand out from the crowd? You can greatly increase your chances of success by following a few simple guidelines. ... → Read More

Social Media Marketing - How To Do it Right

Published on 8/6/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Social media marketing refers to marketing with the intention of increasing website traffic and sales, through the use of social media. This type of marketing relies heavily on the content that is being put out on social networks. The message or story has to carry some kind of substance in order for people for find it interesting. The ultimate goal is to have the story shared by those in the company’s social network, with their friends and then on to more friends, making the story spread to more viewers. When an article, post or tweet expands multiple levels beyond the company’s social network, it is said to have gone “viral”. Social media marketing is in essence a word-of-mouth campaign carried out over the Internet. ... → Read More Domain Name Stolen

Published on 7/31/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Last week, a highly respected blogger and online entrepreneur discovered that two of his domain names had been stolen out from under him. If you think this can’t happen to you, think again! How would you feel if your most valuable websites suddenly disappeared? Let’s take a look at what happened, and get the rundown on how you can protect your own domain names. ... → Read More

Why the Cloud is a Big Deal for Small Businesses [Infographic]

Published on 7/31/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Small businesses fail at an alarming rate each year. Startup costs, software fees and salaries for employees all add up quickly, and sometimes more quickly than potential new businesses imagined, forcing them to close their doors prematurely. Cloud computing has been the one bright spot for new startups in recent years. Through the magic of cloud computing, new business can get off the ground with little seed money, operate on a shoestring budget and access the latest technology and applications.

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Make Sure Your Website is Really Online With Pingdom's Monitoring Apps

Published on 7/27/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
When it comes to web hosting, there is nothing more frustrating than finding out your website is offline. A popular website monitoring company has just released mobile apps that will help you keep tabs on your website and uptime right from your smartphone, no matter where you are. Read on to learn how to take advantage of this. ... → Read More

Five Really Bad Mistakes You're Making as a Blogger

Published on 7/27/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
It’s not difficult to break into the world of online blogging. Aspiring writers, hobbyists and every armchair tech guru on the planet has a blog these days. After all, all you need to get started is a decent web hosting company, a domain name and an idea. And if you want to go super simple, you don’t even need all that. Free web hosting companies will be happy to sponsor and host your new blog for free. ... → Read More

Free Invoicing Software for Web Hosts, Resellers and Webmasters

Published on 7/18/2012 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Invoicing software is a must for those who do business online. Spreadsheets and the old fashioned method of pen to paper work well enough when you’re unloading only a few things out of your garage on Ebay each year, but those who are selling a significant number of items or services need software that will aid them in balancing their budget, as well as invoicing clients. ... → Read More
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