Cloud Services Buying Guide from the Experts


Should You Host With Your ISP?

Published on 6/14/2011 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Consumers have been worrying about money since the dawn of time. This is why we clip coupons, watch for things to go on sale, and use websites like Internet Service Providers (ISPs) know this and as a result, they started to bundle services like Internet, cable TV and telephone service. In the last few years, most major ISPs have also jumped on the web hosting bandwagon. Should you host your website with your ISP? Before making the jump, here are a few questions you should ask. ... → Read More

Did Your Web Hosting Company Raise Their Rates?

Published on 6/9/2011 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
So, you found the perfect web hosting company to manage and host your domain and then, out of the blue, they raised their prices. What do you do? ... → Read More

How to Move Your Website to a New Server With the cPanel Backup Wizard

Published on 6/2/2011 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Finding a new web hosting company to support your website can be a long and arduous process of reading web hosting reviews, talking to hosts and comparing prices. And once you’ve found a new host, you still have to upload your website and get it back online. It used to be that in order to restore your website on a new hosting server you had to do it all manually, file by file. Thankfully, control panels have made it easy to archive and restore any website in a matter of moments.

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How to Score a Cheap Domain Name

Published on 5/23/2011 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Wanting to save money comes naturally. Perhaps that’s why people from different socio-economic backgrounds shop with coupons, routinely use social buying websites and still hunt down freebies. Domain names may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think about bargain hunting, but you can, in fact, score a free or cheap domain name every time you’re in the market for one. Here’s how.

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How Much Should You Pay for Web Hosting

Published on 5/18/2011 12:00:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
How much do you pay for your web hosting account? Are you happy with the services your hosting provider supplies? Do you think you’re paying too much or getting a great deal? Most webmasters, whether frugal or not, take the price of web hosting packages into account. For many, a low priced unlimited everything hosting plan is more favorable than a pricier plan with a well established hosting company. Is that really the way to choose your next host? Let’s take a look at how much you should be paying for web hosting. ... → Read More

Top 5 Ways to Tick Off Your Web Hosting Company

Published on 5/11/2011 1:30:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Just because you’re paying a monthly fee for web hosting does not mean that your hosting account cannot be taken away from you. As with all other things in life, there are a set of rules you must follow when hosting a website. Let’s take a look at the top five ways you can end up with a terminated hosting plan and no place to call home. ... → Read More

How to Verify the Uptime of a Web Hosting Company

Published on 5/9/2011 3:55:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

Uptime is everything when it comes to web hosting. Defined as the amount of time a web hosting server is continually online, uptime is a measurement that you can’t afford to ignore when looking for a new hosting company. After all, no matter how groundbreakingly impressive your domain is, if it’s never online, it is absolutely worthless. How can you verify uptime claims of a web hosting company? Let’s find out.

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What Every Blogger Needs to Know About Web Hosting

Published on 5/2/2011 11:24:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Blogging has become so much more than just a casual medium. Many bloggers today are pulling in an impressive full-time salary by sharing and exchanging ideas with their readers. Even if you’re not considered one of the blogging greats (yet!), it’s still important to arm yourself with the best tools to help you get there. Here are the four most important things every blogger should know about web hosting. ... → Read More

Spring Cleaning; Tidying Up Your Web Hosting and Website

Published on 4/27/2011 12:19:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Ahhh…it’s springtime. The buds on the trees are beginning to unfold, the kids are now tracking in mud instead of snow, and it’s time to tidy up, say goodbye to cold weather and winter jackets, and prepare for a leisurely summer. Just as you put a little elbow grease into spring cleaning at home, you should be doing the same with your web hosting plan and website. Need a few tips to get started? Read on. ... → Read More

Amazon's Catastrophic Cloud Outage

Published on 4/25/2011 12:36:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Last Thursday was a bad day for At approximately 5am on April 21st, Amazon’s North Virginia data center experienced what was called a “network event.” That “event” created a domino effect that rippled across the Internet, taking major sites like Reddit, FourSquare, HootSuite and Quora offline. Even today, some four full days after the big event, Amazon’s Service Health Dashboard is still reporting connectivity and latency issues in the North Virginia data center. What was once thought of as one of the most robust clouds in the hosting industry is now is now being looked at through skeptical eyes. ... → Read More

8 Secrets Web Hosting Companies Won't Tell You

Published on 4/18/2011 11:42:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
The world of web hosting isn’t exactly hush-hush. After all, you can click a few links right now, open your own web hosting account and learn the ins and outs of hosting in a rather short amount of time. Like all businesses, however, a good amount of marketing can go a long way in keeping customers and potential clients in the dark. Let’s explore 8 secrets your web hosting company probably won’t share with you. ... → Read More

Google Chrome Web Hosting Apps and Extensions

Published on 4/16/2011 10:42:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
The Google Chrome Web Store is an online marketplace where you can install thousands of free applications and extensions for the Google Chrome browser. From shopping carts to word games to weather forecasts, you’ll find it all in Google’s well developed Web Store. You’ll even find apps geared toward web hosting and developing your domain name. Let’s check out a few apps that can take you from registering a domain name to putting the finishing touches on your website. ... → Read More

Cpanel Comes to Windows Web Hosting Servers

Published on 4/6/2011 5:08:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
cPanel, the web hosting industry’s most popular and widely used control panel, has had one major flaw in its development: it has never support the Windows operating system. Thanks to Enkompass, all that is changing. ... → Read More

What to Do If Your Domain is Suspended By Your Web Hosting Company?

Published on 3/16/2011 5:03:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Web hosting is a pretty simple operation from the client’s perspective, and most webmasters out there will rave about how their web hosting company keeps their domain online and running smoothly. Every once in a while though, you hear a horror story about someone whose domain name has been suspended by their web hosting company. If that happens to you, what do you do? ... → Read More

The Difference Between a Free Web Hosting Trial and a Money Back Guarantee

Published on 3/14/2011 12:10:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
It seems everyone wants something for nothing these days. Grocery stores reward shoppers with buy one, get one free deals and it’s become common practice for restaurants and coffee shops to give away free sample products to customers with the hope of making a future sale. It doesn’t quite work the same way when it comes to web hosting, and with good reason. ... → Read More
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