Cloud Services Buying Guide from the Experts


What to Do if Your Web Hosting Company is Sold

Published on 9/15/2010 12:17:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide

GoDaddy, the popular domain registrar and web hosting company, has put itself up on the auction block, expecting an almost $1 billion payout. GoDaddy is not the first web host to be sold off and undoubtedly, they will not be the last. Web hosting companies do change hands and ownership, leaving customers to wonder what will become of one of their most prized possessions—their websites.

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Will Google Instant Change Your SEO Strategy?

Published on 9/9/2010 5:30:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Google Instant was rolled out this week and almost immediately sent a wave of panic and uncertainty through the SEO and blogging crowds. Google’s latest and greatest major upgrade was unveiled Wednesday, showcasing predictive queries, meaning that Google now tries to anticipate what you’re thinking and typing, leading some to exclaim that Google was now psychic. ... → Read More

10 Questions to Ask Before You Pay for Web Hosting

Published on 9/3/2010 12:26:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
When you first set out to find a new web hosting company, it can be a little overwhelming. Do you go with the small, personable, but expensive host or the huge company that offers unlimited everything for less than the price of a cup of coffee? Each web hosting client, including you, has different needs. In order to meet those needs, you’ll have to do some Q and A. Find a host you really like? Great, now send them an email and make sure they’ll be a perfect fit for your online project. Here are ten questions you should always ask before paying for a web hosting account. ... → Read More

How to Read Web Hosting Terms of Service

Published on 9/2/2010 11:59:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
By checking the box and continuing to pay for your account, you’re indicating that you’ve read the terms of service and acceptable use policy associated with the web hosting company you’re signing up with, and agree to abide by their conditions ... → Read More

How to Find the Best Reseller Web Hosting

Published on 9/1/2010 5:42:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
All web hosting accounts are not created equally. Traditional shared web hosting accounts include a set amount of space and bandwidth with which you're allowed to host a single domain name. Reseller hosting accounts are larger, offering more space and bandwidth per account, and allow for multiple domains to be hosted across one account. ... → Read More

7 Traits of Confident Web Hosts

Published on 8/26/2010 10:39:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
So, you’re looking for a web hosting company to get your website online and you’ve done all the preliminary research, like reading web hosting reviews, but you still have more than a handful of hosts you think would be a perfect fit for your domain. What do you do? You look for confidence. Web hosting companies who are confident in their ability to serve you and keep your website online will show that assuredness in their own websites and in conversations with you. Here are seven traits that confident web hosting companies display. ... → Read More

The Ins and Outs of Email Hosting

Published on 8/25/2010 2:27:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
How reliable is your email? Has your paid web hosting account or company server ever gone offline unexpectedly, leaving you with no way to communicate with others? If you own a website and a domain name you know that when your domain goes offline, so does your email. It’s great if you have a backup email address with gmail or another service, but it can look unprofessional to write clients or coworkers from an address that doesn’t match your business domain name. ... → Read More

Is Someone Stealing Your Website Content

Published on 8/24/2010 12:10:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
You spend hours and hours toiling away at your desk, creating unique, quality content, only to learn that someone has copied and pasted your articles or blog posts to their website, and claimed them as their own. What do you do? ... → Read More

More Free Resources for Webmasters

Published on 8/20/2010 3:48:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Open source software and free online applications are invaluable to your webmaster toolbox. Tools that inspire, lessen your workload and enable you to be more productive can give your website an edge over the competition and give you creativity that bursts at the seams. Let’s take a look at a few rarely talked about freebies for webmasters. ... → Read More

How to Get Fast Web Hosting Support

Published on 8/18/2010 11:46:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Even the most knowledgeable of web hosting clients need support from their web hosting company from time to time. Whether your site has gone offline, you’ve made a programming error or a script is wreaking havoc with your domain, you’re going to need to get in touch with a support team member. Want to wait in line for hours and hours or jump to the head of the class and get the quickest support available from your web host? Here are a few tips to help you navigate web hosting support. ... → Read More

Increase Your RSS Feed Subscribers

Published on 8/17/2010 9:34:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
All bloggers dream of having a large following of loyal, happy, appreciative readers. RSS, which stands for real simple syndication, gives people a chance to read your blog posts without needing to physically surf to your domain each day. As the Internet ages, more and more people are turning to RSS to stay up-to-date with their favorite bloggers. Here are ten ways to help you get more RSS subscribers. ... → Read More

5 Habits of Successful Webmasters

Published on 8/16/2010 11:28:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
A webmaster is the person responsible for the care and maintenance of a website.  Unless you’ve hired someone to handle the job, that means you.  Are you doing all that you can to grow your domain name into a highly sought after, popular website?  Here are five habits that successful webmasters have in common. ... → Read More

How to Make Money With Your Blog

Published on 8/13/2010 12:44:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
It is absolutely possible to begin earning money from your blog today. Advertising programs like Google Adsense work, but only if you have a high number of daily readers and even then, you’re not likely to make more than pocket change. Affiliate programs, such as Commission Junction, can also be effective, but won’t replace your day job. In order to earn some real money online, you need to start thinking outside the box. Here are seven ideas to get you going. ... → Read More

10 Things Not to do Online

Published on 8/12/2010 11:16:00 AM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Social media has provided an entirely new way to interact with others online. By setting up a Facebook Fan Page or business Twitter account, you can now reach more customers and potential customers each day. You can also become a social media disaster. Here are ten things you should never do on any social media website. ... → Read More

What Are Your Web Hosting Requirements

Published on 8/11/2010 1:52:00 PM by The Editor in: Expert Guide
Are you confused about all the varied options presented when searching for a web hosting package? Do words like unlimited email accounts and control panel confuse you? Let's take a look at some of the extras you can purchase with your web hosting plan and whether or not you'll really need them. ... → Read More
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